Monday, July 20, 2009

Canine Body Language

I really enjoy sharing information about body language and communication with dogs to people in our community. To help someone understand their dog and what their dog is desperately trying to tell them is what makes my job so amazing.
I have been training dogs for 20 years (wow... that really dates me, doesn't it) and like most trainers I specialize in what motives me the most. For me, that's communication. Whether that's Dog to Dog communication or Dog to Human Communication, its the exchange of voices and thoughts that I want to convey.
I believe dogs are sentient beings with feelings and emotions, and simply want us to understand their needs. The need to belong to a clear, consistant, predictable pack.
To get a family to finally understand what their new puppy has been telling them as the newest member of the pack, or a recent adoption dog trying to communicate his stress and fear, or a day care dog who learns how to play by observing the higher ranking dogs... for me, that's pure joy.
On Sunday 7/26 from 2 to 4pm, I am conducting a seminar on Canine Communication. Its a photographic and video guide to body language. I have been working on the seminar for weeks and weeks, getting just the right photo or video clip to convey all I want to share.
Lots of video of day care dogs and lots of photos over the years of training.
I hope you will join us and finally learn what Poochie has been trying to tell you for so long!

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