Friday, December 10, 2010

Dogs coming for a Visit over the holiday

Hey Tails,
Family is coming over to visit this holiday and bringing their new dog. You know Bonkers is great with other dogs, but can get so crazy when they come to the house! What to do to make it go as smooth as possible?

Karen and Bonkers, Ferndale

Hey Karen, Thanks for your question. Here are a few tips to make your holiday a good one! First, make sure the other dog coming a a happy, healthy social dog. If that dog has issues, suggest they talk to a reward based trainer before they visit to set that dog up to succeed too. Assuming they incoming dog is acceptable, we suggest the dogs meet on neutral ground. Ideally somewhere close, a school yard, a tennis court (good fenced option) Have dogs on leash and do a few quick walk by greetings. Starting with at least 15 feet apart. Make sure you have high value treats to reward your dog for relaxed body posture. If he is too agitated, simply turn and walk away. Re approach when he is relaxed. Do this several times. When he is relaxed begin to walk the younger of the two dogs, behind the other dog and slowly decrease the distance as you walk. When the dogs are within 3 feet of each other AND both relaxed body language, take them back to the play area for some off leash romping. Remember to PRAISE them both for good body signals. After a few minutes, leash them back up and walk home together. Having the dogs walk back to the house will ease the entry. Having a new dog walk into the home to greet your dog is a sure fire way to create anxiety for both dogs. Set them up to succeed and you will have a good holiday too! Call us if you have any questions.

1 comment:

  1. I have my son's dog coming to visit - being left here over the holidays. He is five, and has come once a year, so we're not total strangers. But it will be his first time without my son. How can I make it happy time for him?
